Monday, May 28, 2012

I had a revelation..a goal..whatever you call it

So I came upon an article recently on the front page on MSN regarding the trend of mobile clothing stores.  Heres a link to a similar article so you know what I'm talking about.!/photos/37681/4

The Possibilities!

So that got me thinking... This is genuis!! Brilliant!! Cool!!  So yes, this crazy lady has been fully inspired to do the same thing.  I'm obviously going to have to re-enter the work force to save up, because I do not want to take a gamble and get a loan and then if it doesn't work out? No no, I can't have that.

My plans for such a mobile store like these, is to sell my designs from my line plus other things I buy wholesale to stock the store.  After figuring out if I need both RV insurance and business insurance, or I need a new license, etc, parking permits, etc.  I want to drive it around El Paso, and smaller towns in TX that the shopping sucks, and try to bring better variety to the locals. Expose my brand to different markets and hopefully make a living doing that. That is what I want to do with this.

photo taken from
So my goal now is perhaps do some subsitiute teaching for the new school year, and try and get a little cheapy RV/mobile home thing for under $2k, although I found some perfect sized ones on craiglist list for under $1k, which I'm hoping (counting my chickens) if I can get it that cheap renovating the inside won't be more than an additional $2k.  I'd probably be doing most of the renovation myself because I'm da baus like that, lol.  I'm mean its a goal that'll probably come to life in about 2 years, but I WANT IT!!

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