Thursday, October 13, 2011

Free shipping til 25th of Oct!!!!

Use this coupon for free shipping!! Domestic only....
Code: truffleshuffle

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New items listed & in other news....

So this week I posted the new items that I had my photoshoot from recently here are the finished product sans green screen

So this week I also ended up going to a casting call for Mercedes Benz fashion week they were having here in El Paso. Its the cities first, as I know there are other MB fashion weeks in other places across the country.  So I went and took my portfolio and samples, the person who was conducting the interview liked my stuff, but he mentioned he wanted me to turn the volume up on my designs as they wanted real high fashion stuff. So I'm like ok thats fine, I can do that. So I walked out with the gig and I felt pretty damn good about myself.  I shared it with my husband which I also told him I was going to have to borrow money to fund my line for this show. He wasn't too thrilled about it, plus I didn't want to get further in debt either, but it seemed like a good opportunity.  You know how that goes..  
Anyways I was feeling a bit unsure after discussing it with my husband, and I asked some people their opinion on it and I got some good advice. So i called the place back and asked some additional questions that I forgotten to when I was at the call.  It turns out the show was non-paid for participants and there is no guarantee that I would be more successful after this show and if I was going to be able to make back that loan.

Plus it dawned on me, fitting would have to be conducted around the 13th, which left like no time for me since I was picked on the 1st. There was no way I could make about 15 pieces at least all 75% done to fit all the models and still do customer orders in between.  It was not an easy decision but I had to end up turning down the show. It made me really sad but I think its for the best.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Behind the Scenes

Had a great photo shoot today with the team,  this was the most expensive and longest shoot (roughly 5 hours) I've had yet with my designs. But it was worth every minute of it, it kicks so much ass to be around a bunch of awesome and creative people.   There were 2 outfits shot today, I still have many more that I need to finish before the year is up for my new line for the coming spring/summer.  Here are some behind the scene photos.  Be on the look out for edited ones on my Eclectic Visions fan page, I'll be posting them as soon as I get them from the photographer. ;)

Again I would like to thank Perla, Laura, Jessica, and Gary for helping make a great shoot!

Jail Bait dress
 First of all I've had this look ^^  in my head for some time, this was my first time at a bias cut dress.  Working with the stripes in the different directions gave it a unique look and also confused the hell out of me while working on it cuz my eyes would go all crazy staring at it, lol.  The shoes were the models, I added the necklace which was a hand me down from my mother in law and the hair is real. Yes folks, that is no hair piece. I am fortunate to know a master stylist who made this  "saint Halo" donut out of the models real hair. 
Inmate hooded dress
 Laura (MUA) and I did this hairstyle on our own, I have no skills whatsoever with hair so I did my best to help Laura make front rolls on the top of her head, but it just ended up being covered by the hood anyways.  Again the bootie type shoes were provided by the model, and just one simple accessory on her wrist, which was a ribbon secured with a safety pin was all this outfit needed.
you can kinda see the screen printing on the back
 I did the screen printing the very night before the shoot, I had intended it to be a solid color blocks for the faux bar-code, but in a wonderful accident, it came out faded and really cool.  I know you can't really tell here, but you'll see what I mean in the edited photos.  Perla (le model) really had a good time in this dress, she inspired me to offer this in different colors, as I originally was just going to make in this inmate orange color. 

As you can tell, these clothes so far go with a line that is prison inspired with my little twists and flair thrown in.  I will be making along with this line soon some jackets, gothy little gowns and more. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Eclectic Visions is going to be at Frank N Con 2011!!!

I just purchased my spot today to sell my items at this southwest horror and sci-fi convention Oct 29-30th in El Paso,TX.  Celebrity appearances my Margot Kidder, Ernie Hudson and many more!  For ticket information go to
Frank n Con will be honoring tickets from:
Texas Fear Fest:Camp Blood

I will be making lots of themed clothing for this event: movie inspired wear, horror themed clothing (men & women), sci-fi, geekery type garments and much more!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

EV hits Austin for the BurdaStyle/Etsy fashion show!

Oh god let me say first of all, driving for 9 hours straight really hurts the ass. 

Anyways, I left on Friday morning to a good start around 8am and got to Austin around 9pm. I was severely delayed towards the end because of a terrible car accident that happend shortly after Live Oaks, TX, and I drove 20 mph from there all the way to Austin. :(

Saturday was my day off, my husband and I also celebrated our 4th year of marriage while we were in Austin so it was a double win this past weekend with that and the show.  Here are some places that I visited while there.
                                      I did some excellent shopping while in Austin, I bought an antique Coke tray and a really old typewriter on Congress st. I forgot the name of the store but I had a antique-gasm when I walked in, and here is me recovering from it. lol

Here is my husband modeling for me outside The Salt Lick in Driftwood,TX   I had seen that Adam guy from Man vs Food eat there on tv once, so of course we had to go try it out.  Of course it was delicious, I highly recommend anyone go visit this place if they're in the area.

Under the Congress ave bridge, there are supposedly like a million bats that live in the bridge. I saw some come out but not what I expected. Those bats suck, I wanted to show whoever reads this a badass photo of blackend skies of bats and mayhem but only a few came out.  I also saw in the flesh while driving around downtown  Danny DeVito, my husband took a photo of him, but its too fail to share.  I might put it on my FB, I'm not sure yet, but the dude sure is short.

Here is a photo of the venue on 6th st, the craziest bar strip I've ever seen. Sunset Blvd has nothing on this place.

Now Sunday started off all wrong, of course I have terrible luck so it was bound to happen. lol  With the daylight savings time change, I had set both alarms on our cells to wake us up like at 8am. I guess when 2am kicked in the phone alarms reset or something because we didn't wake up till 9:30am and I had a meeting at the venue at 10am.  So without showering or anything we sped over there just to make it on time for the meeting. Oh yea also that morning one of my contacts ripped, so half the day I spend with one good eye and one blind eye.  I was a freakin pirate. :|

Luckily I used my smarts and went to a walgreens and fixed my also broken glasses by buying an eye glass repair kit and a pair of sunglasses to fix them, so I was able to finally see!

This chick right here is Dammianne, one of the best damned models I've worked with in a long time.  Just some random model who messaged me for the position when I was talking about the show in the Model Mayhem forums, so random and last minute. She was proffesional like whoa, and was a blast to work with!
Oh yeah and every man is a 5 mile radius drooled over this lady in her massively awesome boots, lol.  It was pretty funny, men are soo weak :P
This was the designer for Kramp Couture another great designer that was in the show.


The show went by so fast, all done within like 16 minutes.  But cool none the less, the place was pretty packed, and Dammianne and I mingled (well she did most of the mingling in dem boots) with people got business cards, photos, etc.  Very excellent day, now back to work!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super happy news ppl!!!!

I was chosen with 14 other designers to showcase their designs  in the DiY fashion show in Austin,TX. Yay and congrats to the other designers! Its gonna kick ass!

Burda Style DiY Fashion show Blog